Prophetic Word of Warning 🤍 A HEAVY word in my belly! (This Can’t wait until the end of time)

2 years ago

Hello, my beautiful Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

today I have a pretty heavy prophetic word for you and it comes in the form of a prophetic warning!
I just got the okay to release this word, which was heavy in my belly. It is a life-saving and life-changing message!

And as always, you'll need to test the Spirit with every word that I deliver on God's behalf!
*New Test the Spirit video: Always Test The Spirit! (Easy Tutorial) ☝🏾 We Only Prophecy in Part.

Many of us already know that Jesus is coming back soon! And when he comes our souls need to be in order.
God has been saying that Satan has created deception in many people's hearts and minds, which will eventually send them to hell!
The Lord says that it is all about the state of your soul today and not when Jesus returns!
Many think they will be ready for HIS return, but not many of them are ready now!

📚 The Holy Scripture (Kind James Version) which is referenced in this video:
📖 Luke 12:40
40 Be ye therefore ready also: for the Son of man cometh at an hour when ye think not.

📖 Matthew 24:36
36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.

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I am a Prophetess of the Lord helping believers enter the gates of Heaven.

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#AHeavyWord #MADEOFFICIAL #PropheticWordForJune #PropheticWord #ShaneikaUniting4Christ #PropheticWord2022 #propheticwordjune

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