New Study, Fundaments Of The Faith

2 years ago

Many of you have emailed us wanting to know more about basic biblical truths in the Christian faith. In response to your requests, we are going to journey together through one of the best interactive studies that allows us to discuss and discover together answers to many questions.
Every week, the Redeemed By Grace Fellowship will gather together around John MacArthur’s Bible study ‘Fundamentals of the Faith’ (FOF); 13 lessons that blend basic biblical truths with personal obedience and service.

Many young believers take these classes as an introduction to Christianity, seeking to grow in their understanding of biblical truths, with topics ranging from the character of God to church participation. It’s an ideal study for discipling new believers in the basics of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ. Yet this study is foundational to the life of all genuine believers. Seasoned saints use it to refresh in basic doctrines of our faith, and use it for evangelistic outreach. And some students are non-Christians taking the class because a friend encouraged them to go through it together. This diverse environment encourages interaction that often forms relationships that will last a lifetime.

A common testimony from people who thought they were saved, and then took the FOF class, found out that they didn’t really understand the gospel. And through the class they finally learned the truth about Christianity and then saw their lives transformed by the gospel.

The foundation of FOF is the belief that the essence of Christianity is truth: truth about God the Father, Christ, and the Holy Spirit; truth about man’s sin and God’s plan of salvation; and truth about God’s revealed will for the church and our individual lives. What you believe matters, and it matters eternally. And wrong beliefs about God my friends, leads people to hell. Christianity is a faith anchored on the truths in the Bible, which is God’s only inspired written revelation. Thus, if you commit to attending these sessions, doing the work beforehand, and participating, you will gain an increased understanding of the fundamentals of the Christian faith.

Go to to order a workbook and to have access to John MacArthur’s corresponding sermons on the lesson we will discuss each week. We look forward to encouraging each other as we stand together on the truth of the faith.

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