Dalek News 06 JUN 2022

1 year ago

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Today we look at the world population.
What is the endpoint?

In every developed country, the population pyramid indicates an aging population.
The developed worlds have experienced effectively the same transition from a young country, to an old, in sixty years.
South Korea is one example.

Japan is another
And France
And the UK

The USA fertility rate, in terms of births per woman changed significantly over the past fifty years.
The total fertility rate is now much less than one and a half.

The developed and developing world sees a similar trend.

What is the endpoint? The greatest control a government can exert over its population is the existence of the population. By determining who will live, who will die, and who will be born. Exerting influence over the the population, either overtly or covertly by coercion, in terms of taxation schedules and incentive regulations.
Or overtly, by a license to get pregnant because of the dangers of over-population, global warming, deforestation or similar double-speak. A mass birth control vaccine could be mandated to ensure that families were planned in accordance with government regulations.
By paying a baby tax to ensure that only the most successful are allowed to have babies, the government would enhance its level of control.
Obviously, a taxation or a license for pregnancy would not solve the problem that people find it inconvenient to have families, so the government must act to stabilize the situation. For whatever reason might be ascribed, the populations of the Earth are declining. How could population size and demographics be controlled?
Test tube babies would be introduced. These have the advantage of being readily genetically engineered for certain traits, and could have RFID identification sensors inserted by default. Because bringing up a family is too expensive or difficult, government schools would be created to ensure a supply of workers.

End of life care or programmed end of life could be introduced as the cost of a person’s life exceeded the benefits that they could deliver to society. What was previously inconceivable could, within a few generations be considered normal. After a specified age, perhaps eighty, perhaps seventy five, end of life options could become available. End of life planning, or don’t be greedy think about future generations, or planned exit would allow the government to maximize the productivity of its controlled population.
None of this would be introduced immediately. First the population would have to be conditioned to accept it as normal. The old fashioned ideas of sexuality and family creation would have to be dis-credited, and a new age of infantile self-indulgence would have to be normalized. Having children would have to be economically impossible. Additionally, the depopulation would have to reach a crisis level, where society and the elderly could not be supported by the younger generations. Finally, weak people, who lack any sort of self-reliance and individual strength would have to be cultivated.
Only then would there be a sufficient crisis to allow the government to implement such a strategy.

Is any of this believable? Back in the time of the introduction of the Social Security card, it read, not for identification.

Also, Daleks ask, What is a Woman?

This is a woman.
Her name is Angeli Gomez.

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