Dating A Married Man - How To NOT Get Hurt - And Handle It RIGHT!

3 years ago

Why He Stopped Loving You:

Are You Dating A Married Man?
The Rules - And How To NOT Get Hurt

By: Carlos Cavallo

Most women never set out to date a married guy. But for some reason this guy was so appealing and so interesting, and now you find yourself dating a married man.

He could be a guy you work with, a guy you met at a party, or really anywhere. Maybe you started talking and realized that you have this deep twin flame connection. It just seems so easy to date a married guy, that you can't help yourself.

And before you know it, things got really complicated.

It could be you - or a friend - or a relative...

My goal is to help you NOT get hurt! And to help you keep things REAL as you deal with the most complicated kind of relationship.

Is it okay to date a married man?
Let's also put aside judgment - especially self-judgment - about this situation. It is what it is, now let's figure it out and decide what to do.

We won't be talking about who is right, who is wrong, or who is good or evil here. The simple fact is that these relationships happen all the time. Trying to pretend that they don't is just denial.

Sometimes you might not even know this guy was married until later. He may not have intended to get involved outside his marriage.

But maybe you still don't want to give him up. You have a connection.

There's incredible guilt that goes along with dating a married man. In fact, I know at least FIVE of my immediate family that have had this situation - men and women. (Probably many more, dear reader.)

Back in my early teens, I remember my dad even getting into an argument with a guy in our neighborhood who would stop by occasionally to hit on my mom. (AWK-ward!)

So I know for a fact that it's common enough, but we just don't want to admit this.

I'm going to give you some rules and some tips for handling the situation. If you're dating a married man right now, you're going to walk away knowing what direction you should head in.

The truth is that this relationship probably started innocently enough. But, through a series of innocent steps, it became much more.

Maybe you started out with just a chat. Talking to him for a few minutes, and realizing how easy it was to connect with him
This might have happened a few times, and then you exchange contact information
You might start sending each other occasional texts
Maybe you go out on a lunch with him sometime - telling yourself it's just an innocent meal
But then feelings start to develop...
Before you know it, you're on a date with him. And things keep getting deeper from there.

First of all - let’s set the record straight:

“Does Carlos condone extramarital affairs? Cheating?”
No, I do not think that you should continue an affair with a married man. However, I fully understand that sometimes sh*t happens. You didn’t plan for it, but it happened.

Life isn’t always neat, tidy, or convenient.

However, at some point the relationship must turn the corner and either become YOUR relationship, or he has to go fix his marriage. That’s not what we’re here to discuss today, though.

I will give you some simple rules for dating a married guy that will give you the best chance of turning this into a happily ever after story. (Because it CAN work out - if you handle it right!)

Now, let's talk about the rules for dating a married man.

RULE #1: Drop the guilt!
Look, we know what the situation is. Of course it's not ideal. But it's also not a reason to beat yourself up every single day about.

The point is to resolve it as quickly and effectively as possible.

In a perfect world, people would simply end the relationships that aren't working so they can go find a good one.

But sometimes we have to encounter a relationship that works to figure out that the one we're in isn't working. There's no reason to feel a constant aura of guilt and shame.

Accept the reasons you are where you are, and just move forward. Don't gloat or wallow in it, simply figure out how to handle it and manage it.

RULE #2: Be discreet
If there's one thing you know you need to do it's keep things very secret. In order to avoid hurting anyone, you can't let your relationship become public.

Unfortunately this is the price you have to pay to keep your relationship going for the short-term.

Now, hopefully he is working to end the affair or transition him out of his marriage.

The important thing here is -

For the rest - watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
Dating a Married Man

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