Rejoice In The Lord | Dreams & Nightmares | Pastor Jim Bickel | Bethel Baptist Fellowship [SERMON]

4 years ago

How can I fear when the Lord is with me? I will rejoice in the Lord and lift up my voice to Him in praise. Join us as Pastor Bickel continues to open up God's Word to us. We are going through the book of Genesis. Joseph's dreams turn into a nightmare as his brothers sell him into slavery. God is with Joseph and we know that all things work together for good.

How would you describe your relationship with God?


Please leave a comment below on how we can pray for you, your family, and anything else you'd like to share with us. May the Lord Bless you and your family!

Speaker: Pastor Jim Bickel

Title: "Dreams & Nightmares"

Scripture: Psalm 100:2

Memory Verse: 1 Samuel 12:24 - "Only fear the LORD, and serve him in truth with all your heart: for consider how great things he hath done for you."

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CCLI # 11420106


Translated titles:
Regocíjate en el Señor | Sueños y pesadillas | Pastor Jim Bickel | Comunidad Betel Bautista [SERM

Freut euch im Herrn | Träume & Albträume | Pastor Jim Bickel | Bethel Baptist Fellowship [SERMON]

प्रभु में आनन्दित | सपने और बुरे सपने |

افرحوا في الرب | أحلام وكوابيس | القس جيم بيكل | زمالة بي


Magalak sa Panginoon | Mga Pangarap at Bangungot | Pastor Jim Bickel | Bethel Baptist Fellowship [SE

תשמח באדון | חלומות וסיוטים | הכומר ג'ים ביקל | מלגת מטפל


주님 안에서 기뻐하십시오 | 꿈과 악몽 | Jim Bickel 목사 | Bethel Baptist Fellowship

Радуйтесь в Господе | Мечты и кошмары | Пастор Джим Бике

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