How Much Eating Meat You Get From a Pig - The Bearded Butchers

2 years ago

On today's video, we're doing "how much eating meat you'll get off a pig" slash "how a custom cut pig can best bring value to your family by choosing the best cuts for your freezer". Here's the beef video Seth mentioned

🚨 11:09 - New swag alert! Head to to get yours!

Scott and Seth start with a pig carcass with a 210lb (95.5lb) hanging weight. They start the video with the assumption that the pig carcass will yield 70% or more of the hanging weight in finished cuts of pork. Watch to the end to see if they made it! Scott and Seth add in some tips about which meat and fat will make the best sausage.

🐷 Lard vs Tallow

7:27 - How to remove the H bone and how to make a boneless ham.

14:05 - Remember, boneless cuts reduce your yield (the bone has weight. Less bones = less weight = lower yield).

20:27 - The epic finale - All of the boneless and bone in pork cuts laid out and compared.

26:16 - Scott does some math and figures out the final yield for pork from the entire custom pig!

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