220605 Tony Pantalleresco New Video, The Spike!

2 years ago

How to build a powerful device to disengage the effects of contact vaccinosis and nanoparticles.

The video: https://www.iyannis.eu/14c9nu/rb220605
The schematics: https://www.iyannis.eu/127iin/rb220605

⏬Antinano Products (Bucket - Triangle - Pulse Generator with or without Power supply/adapter):
💠 "Bermuda" Antinano Bucket, Triangles, Electro-Magnetic Pulse Generators: https://www.iyannis.eu/AntinanoEshop/rb220605
💠 "Bermuda" AntiNano Triangle video: https://www.iyannis.eu/194a7q/rb220605
💠 How to connect the Pulse Generators AN-PEMF-O1 & AN-PEMF-02v to the anti-nano triangle and bucket https://youtu.be/uHqZ-VaIVrE
⏬Other Links
💠 10% Discount on all pure vitamins and supplements: https://www.iyannis.eu/PureBulk/rb220605
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