X-Files | DNA | SmallPox Vax | CRISPR | Gene-Editing | Eugenics

2 years ago

X-files is the new Simpsons of predictions

The X Files "My Struggle II" S10.E6
Release date March 14, 2016

"The Takeover of America and then the World Itself"

Mentioned in Clip:

"You and everyone you know has a piece of DNA in your genome put their without your knowing where they're able to shutdown our immune systems - a gene-tampering, a virus within a virus that was put there through the Small Pox vaccine - it's what these men are calling the Spartan virus"

"The Spartan virus removes the adenosine gene from your DNA with a process known as CRISPR/Cas9 (RNA & a Protein, cutting genes at exact locations) - lose the ADA gene and your immune system will simply vanish"

"The ability to depopulate the planet - to kill everyone but the chosen"

Fuelled not only by Corporate Greed but a DARPA Objective
Weather Wars - Geo-Engineering, Electromagnetic, Drought, Aerial contaminants.
State of perpetual war to create "Problem > Reaction > Solution" scenarios to distract, enrage and enslave
Laws overriding Constitution in the name of National Security
Militarization of Police Force
Prison Camps by FEMA with no stated purpose
The corporate takeover of Food, Agriculture, Pharmaceuticals and HealthCare - even the Military
Fatten, sicken and control a population that's already consumed by consumerism.
A government, that taps your phone, collects your data, and monitors your whereabouts with impunity - a government preparing to use that data against you when it strikes.
And the final takeover begins - by a well-oiled and well-armed multi-national group of elites that will cold kill and subjugate
Digital Money.
Will seem like an attack by terrorists or Russia.

CRISPR, the gene-editing tech that's making headlines, explained in one graphic

adenosine deaminase gene

IMDB: X-Files: The Struggle II

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