2 years ago

Compassionate detachment, or compassionate nonattachment, is the next layer of overstanding we must achieve as Soul’s having a human experience. We have collectively been programmed to attach to appearances, group-think, group-react, judgment of others and of others about our Selves. We even take it so far as to take it personally what choices another Soul chooses to make, regardless of our resenting them for attaching to our own Souls’ choices. It is a vicious and predictable cycle of abuse. Dysfunction. Round and round the same old mountain, each one expecting a different outcome than the last time around. The problem with this is that we mainly expect the other Soul to change their minds or reactions, rather than looking within ourselves for the answer or the escape.

Compassionately detaching from what any other Soul does, thinks or feels, as their sovereign right to do whatsoever they choose, and it need not impact our sovereignty, nor autonomy to do as we feel is our Highest Path choices. Each Soul, universally speaking, is responsible only for their own actions, reactions and choices (bar none). Their emotional or codependent nature is never ours to be enslaved by. Nor should we return the same without acknowledging that it is our own attachment to them that is the trigger, and their response is always theirs to make, free of our feelings about it.

Standing within our own power and freewill is the journey we are here to master or experience.
Choosing consciously one energetic response over another, in whichever way we see fit.

I strongly recommend to invite the Higher Realms (5D+) in to assist with all of this, and request that any voids or clearing spots be filled up with Universal LOVE, so as to not leave a void of vulnerability.

Fare Thee Well!!!

Thank you for being here!
Let’s do this thing!
Let’s ascend as global citizens!!

If you have any queries or topics you would like to be addressed, please contact me via email at:

#ascension #spirituality #mentalhealth #soulgrowth #selfhelp #compassionatedetachment

VENMO @TemperanceGermaine
CASH APP @TemperanceGermaine

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