The Great Tribulation Will Reveal What Truth Is – Seeing The Future Using Bible History (05 of 26)

3 years ago

Series 211 - Looking Ahead After Looking Behind

About this video:
The point that I try to make in this series, which is so critical to understanding the story of Revelation, is that God has children all over the world whose hearts are right but whose heads are wrong. Let me say that again, God has people whose hearts are right but their heads are wrong — and I'm including myself — and so God considers anyone his child, no matter where they are, whose heart is honest and upright before him.

What matters most to God... I'm going to say something profound here... what matters most to God is our honesty in the presence of truth! And what God plans to do during the Great Tribulation is, he's going to use the discomfiture of the earth to put a series of three truths before the people of Earth, and the honest in heart will respond. Those who are not honest in heart will rebel.

When God sets truth before us in its clearest terms and then presses his truth home with the nagging of the Holy Spirit, and if we then reject both, what can God do to reach us? Nothing... You understand what I'm saying? If God puts his will clearly before us and the Holy Spirit presses it as hard as he can without violating our will, what else can he do to reach us if we reject it?

Wake-up America Seminars is a non-profit / non-prophet organization. We are dedicated solely to proclaiming the imminent return of Jesus Christ. We are not affiliated, endorsed, nor sponsored by any religious organization; we, quite frankly, haven't found one that would have us. This is not a clandestine method of getting you to join a church because Wake-up America seminars is not a church — we have no prisoners (members). We are an organization that is dedicated to education. Our mission is to inspire and encourage people into the Word of God, and what church may mean to you or what church may be to you is something between you and your Lord. Finally, the basis for the views presented in this seminar is limited to the Bible; the only authority that I except for matters in doctrine and spiritual guidance come from the Bible.

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