Sosigenes Created The Julian Calendar For Caesar – Seeing The Future Using Bible History (04 of 26)

3 years ago

Series 211 - Looking Ahead After Looking Behind

About this video:
When God created the Sun Moon and stars, he brought all the light from the stars to the earth so that we could see them, because many of the stars are farther away than light could travel in six thousand years — the length of time we’ve been on earth. And just to give you an idea of the precision he uses when calculating time: He's spinning the earth on its axis at a rate of 23 hours, 56 minutes, and 4 seconds per day; and at the same time he’s rotating it around the Sun once per year in 365 days, 6 hours, 45 minutes, and 48 seconds! And he uses all these weird numbers for very interesting reasons I’ll discuss in the video. What marvelous synchrony! God is deliberate and purposeful in everything he does. You’ve got to think about that. Everything has its being, its origin, its function because God is deliberate.

The calendar we use today was given to us by Julius Caesar around 45 BC. He had an Egyptian mathematician named Sosigenes figure out the calendar. Cesar wanted to get rid of the use of the moon in keeping track of time. Synchronizing time with the moon is a very frustrating thing to do because the moon and the Sun do not move together in perfectly aligned cycles, and so Caesar wanted a calendar that was completely free of the moon. It was just too frustrating to deal with. So Sosigenes created the calendar and Caesar approved it, and this became known as the Julian calendar.

Wake-up America Seminars is a non-profit / non-prophet organization. We are dedicated solely to proclaiming the imminent return of Jesus Christ. We are not affiliated, endorsed, nor sponsored by any religious organization; we, quite frankly, haven't found one that would have us. This is not a clandestine method of getting you to join a church because Wake-up America seminars is not a church — we have no prisoners (members). We are an organization that is dedicated to education. Our mission is to inspire and encourage people into the Word of God, and what church may mean to you or what church may be to you is something between you and your Lord. Finally, the basis for the views presented in this seminar is limited to the Bible; the only authority that I except for matters in doctrine and spiritual guidance come from the Bible.

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