Thane Marcus Ringler: The Path to Mastery & How to Adapt in Chaotic Times

4 years ago

How are you doing out there?

I know it's been a rough year for a lot of us, but while some people simply get bowled over by the trauma, chaos and failure others simply seem to get stronger.

So how do we develop ourselves into the type of people that benefit from chaos?

Well, today we're here with my friend Thane Marcus Ringler, a former professional golfer. Thane is now a speaker, development coach, host and creator of The Up & Comers show, an author of “From Here to There: A Quarter-Life Perspective On The Path To Mastery.”

On today’s show we're chatting about:

• How to get through school with your creativity intact (easier said than done)
• The importance of hugs and real life interactions
• How writing makes you a better thinker (and the danger of outsourcing our thinking to tweets, posts and likes)
• Recognizing and embracing the rhythms of life
• How to develop ourselves into the type of people that benefit from chaos
• A simple question to help identify your passion and life purpose
• And tons more...

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