(bilingual雙語) Thaccine (that thing) + microwave + UFO = ? 那東西 + 微波 + 飛碟 = ?

2 years ago

what will you see if we connecting 3 dots to form a big picture. 連點成面,你將會看到什麼? when scientists discover some phenomena that can't be explained by existing classic physic theories, they discover quantum physic that can nearly explain all of the discovered phenomena. now what would you explain the plane constructed by the 3 dots ? 當科學家發現一些無法用現存的經典物理學解釋的現象時,他們發現了基本上可以解釋所有異常現象的量子力學,如今,我們又該如何解釋這個3點成面的現象呢?
why the previous civilization disappeared? 以前的文明爲何消失了?
if all human beings' neural cells have been genetically changed by that-thing, and we can be controlled by the same microwave which is covered by 5G / 6G, we are actually slavers to the invisible micro-chains, and we have no chance to fight back ? USA government has just hosted a hearing on the UFOs 50 years after the last hearing in the house. they admitted that some of the video clips are real but can not be explained by existing human technology!!!
question is why the rush to inject something into our bodies ?

bilingual (English + Chinese)
#microwave #UFO
2022 05 28 11 54 14

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