The Reserve's Nerve - Powell, Lagarde and Crypto

3 years ago

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The focus is not on one nation but the free world, information technology infrastructure will be sourced on blockchains. The free nations of the world will establish the norms of the internet. Where blockchain networks can safely communicate with one another. The protocols, the rules of all data, value, authenticity, titles everything will have standards on the web.

Jerome Powell said xrp news they don’t have an explicit plan. In other words, they have a plan but it’s not fully developed. Powell is sitting their pleased with himself and pretending like they have all the time in the world because the dollar is the reserve currency but china has a digital currency that people are using xrp ripple right now. The US government is spending at an epic pace increasing their balance sheet and the debt is accelerating. WE have the ability to print dollars at a moments whim and exchange our printed dollars for the goods and services other nations produced. My nation no longer produces yet they consume the products of other nations and pay for it with money we printed. The debt is never going to be paid off and the higher the debt the less confident other nations are in our dollars. The next wave of the internet anyone will be able to transact with digital currencies via the web without central intermediaries…. Swift is a central intermediary that is controlled by the US. This new wave of the web eliminates the need of a central intermediary and this is why the US has stalled the internet of value.

We have all seen the clips of Christine bitcoin Lagarde Praising distributed ledger technology and blockchain technology! Bitcoin is in her cross hairs… Why and why now? The ECB is about to announce a digital euro. A digital euro is not going to be some super digital currency that can solve all issues. Digital euros will interact with other crypto assets. Christine Lagarde is telling the world DON”T look at crypto! That means xrp rippl the world needs to look at crypto.

Bitcoin is some horrendous horrible catastrophe that enables crime!!!! In 2016 Christine Lagarde was convicted of money laundering. She sent 400M euros to a French businessman from the IMF. Criminals will use anything of value including Euros as we saw with Lagarde.

Cryptos success is Fiats Failure. The nations of this globe are maxing out their credit cards before the reset. The fiat system is going to be reset and hosted on the world wide web. All transactions will occur on this value layer of the web. All data, assets, titles, licenses, legal records, health records will be public and private permissioned and permission less files will be hosted on the web. The whole world is brought together on a global marketplace.

Ledgers are transparent meaning there is an auditable trail of ever interaction that has happened. Your health records, driving records, financial, everything that you own, every time you spend or pay. Everything about you is going to be recorded on ledgers and artificial intelligence will be watching every ledger. This will no longer be a footprint that you leave behind on the web this will be an MRI. Data is the new oil and your data rich. This is about control.

The g7 and the g20 have ironed out a set of standards and rules for a hypothetical stable coin which I believe is Deim. These standards are the framework for all of crypto. The regulations will provide clarity and crypto assets can be utilized by businesses, banks, financial institutions. Deim is

The world is agreeing on the standards. The layer of the internet is not only possible but now the regulators are setting the standards. We are at the first step of the adoption curve. We will have ups and downs but make no mistake, crypto, blockchain, technology is the future. btc xrp news xrp ripple

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