The Pleasure of Sentience | Weekly Astrology 18 - 24 January 2021

4 years ago

The astrology of the week 18 January 2021 – 24 January 2021 is a powerful week with a lot of energy. The waxing Moon experiences high highs and low lows. Jupiter in Aquarius perfects a square to Mars in Taurus, a classic fuel to the fire aspect taking place in fixed signs. We also kick off Aquarius season 2021 with the Sun’s entry into the fixed, air sign.

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Tarot Decks:
Le Tarot de Marseille (Fournier)
Piedmontese Tarot (Solesio 1865)

Playing Cards:
Bicycle Standard Playing Cards
S.J. Anderson Playing Cards

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#astrology #WeeklyAstrology #Aries

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