"Like A Sacred Shrine" by ThisMichaelBrown

3 years ago

Song #1 of 2021! Lyrics below...
Music starts here: 0:21
All videos here: https://thismichaelbrown.com

“Like A Sacred Shrine”

Now, we all have grown so weary
Now, the Hatfields and Mccoys
Decades in the making, the tricks of the ego
Fanned by nightly news, we give away our joy

It’s on to us, we choose what we consume
It’s on to us, we have to make the room
Take our mind off the gloom

We choose what we consume
It time to clear the room
What we focus on expands in this life

Quantum physics makes the claim
Every mystic said the same
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he

24/7 news, we lay out too much rope
We give the power brokers much too much to claim
Consciousness is captured by a looping train wreck
It plays again and again, We’re all in part to blame

The solution is clear, guard the gates of your mind
Let go the fear, like a sacred shrine
It’s time to let it shine

We choose what we consume
It time to clear the room
What we focus on expands in this life

Quantum physics makes the claim
Every mystic said the same
As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he

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