Studio Series 86 Voyager HOT ROD Transformers Review by Rodimusbill (BEST HOT ROD FIGURE EVER)

4 years ago

Transformers Studio Series 86-04 Voyager Hot Rod review.

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Transformers Studio Series Figure Reviews:

Studio Series 86-04 Voyager Hot Rod. Deluxe size figure which comes with several accessories to bump it up to the Voyager class. Accessories include a whirling sawblade, two guns, 2 blue blast effects, matrix of leadership, matrix blast effect, one hand that rotates to a welder, and blue goggles that come out of his helmet. Number 04 in the Studio Series 86 toyline.

Hot Rod is the young brash Autobot that is the one Autobot that rose from the ranks to become the Chosen One, to light their darkest hour! Debuted in the 1986 Transformers The Movie!

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Music in video by Stan Bush "The Touch" On behalf of: Volcano/Legacy

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