What Happens When you say no to a Dance ?

2 years ago

If you turn down a somebody for a dance, does that cause other people to stop asking you?

If other people see you say no, are they less likely to ask you?


1: HOW a person says no is important, don't be rude about it, don't be elitist about it.
Especially don't give a reason to one person, then immediately accept a dance from another.

if you dont wanna dance right now, but maybe later a simple.
"Hey not right now, but I'd love to later!"

If you are shure you dont want to dance with person ever, giving a clear no without giving reason may be more effective.

if you say no multiple times then we probably won't ask you again

So, just be nice and polite,
People have a right to refuse any dance for any reason at all
If you’re polite about it, people will still ask you to dance!!

Lastly please try to have fun and not worry about who is dancing with who. Dance with whoever you can at your appropriate skill level, if someone doesn't want to dance with you for some other reason, that's their problem.

2LF Links


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Anchor: https://anchor.fm/twoleftfeetpodcast
Background Music Provided by Barradeen


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