Hydrotherapy and Natural Remedies- Hot and Cold Fomentation Lana Drebit- Part 3

1 year ago

Hot and cold fomentations, also known as fomentation therapy, are used to treat many health conditions. Why the use of hot and cold? Heat boosts the flow of blood and nutrients to an area of the body and cold slows blood flow, reducing swelling and pain. As she demonstrates the application of this hydrotherapy, she talks the viewer through the procedure, explaining what she is doing and why. She also shares many tips about preparing the fomentation pads, keeping the patient comfortable and making the experience a positive one.

Bio Of Lana
Lana Drebit is a trained lifestyle educator. She has experienced first-hand how the laws of health can restore the body back to health, having been healed from inflammatory breast cancer. She is excited about sharing simple remedies that can boost the immune system, relieve pain, and assist nature in its efforts to expel impurities from the system.
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