Amen and Awoman?

4 years ago

Recently the 117th congress was opened with a "prayer" a democrat representative who is also supposedly a methodist "pastor"the prayer was faulty to begin with. A pastor who represents christian faith must never pray to bramah the hindu gods or any other idol that people worship, to make things worse, that representative ended his "prayer" with "Amen" and Awoman" suggesting that somehow the word "Amen" is referring to a man" and since we are in a woke culture, he had to add "Awoman" to apply equality . The Biblical illiteracy and woke culture and furthering away from the Lord Jesus and Christian values are exactly why this nation is going toward decline and we must repent and turn to Jesus for salvation and help. We need to honor and preserve Christian values and Biblical heritage that made this country great. and further we distance ourselves from them, worse our conditions get.

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