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Real Estate to Stall, then BOOM in 2021

4 years ago

In this video, we look at the three main factors that are driving real estate prices in 2021. These are interest rates, inventory, and demographics. Interest rates will be the main factor this year. As rates go up due to inflation expectations, rates will rise to compensate lenders for the inflation. But this will cause knock-on effects that will result in the Fed instituting yield curve control. They will have to peg mortgage rates below inflation, likely at 1% or 2%. This will start an epic rally in housing as money pours in to take advantage of the free debt.

Buy Rental Properties with Roofstock:
Link: https://roofstock.3k3q.net/XJX24

This video was heavily influenced by Meet Kevin, George Gammon, and Ken McElroy. They have fantastic channels, linked here.

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I am not a CPA, attorney, or licensed financial advisor and the information in these videos shall not be construed as tax, legal, or financial advice from a qualified perspective. Linked items may create a financial benefit for Heresy Financial.