A Christ Led Household (pt 1)

2 years ago

Paul is introducing the Household codes that have Christ as the leader and the focus of the household. He also gives us instruction on accountability and what that accountability looks like. If you want to have a home of peace, joy, love and stability, Jesus at the center is the only way to achieve it. In the Christian family, we all are accountable, first to God and then to each other and Husbands, you are more accountable to your family and most importantly to God because you are given more responsibility.
If we adhere to these principles and instructions and live righteously in the eyes of God, our families will prosper. The relationship we show our spouses and our children will have everlasting affects. We can show them God’s love and respectfully live His way, which will build the foundation for following Jesus for a lifetime. Or we can live a selfish worldly life that will build the foundation of the world in our children forever. It is our choice to make and my prayer is that you make the Godly choice for you and your family.

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