Newpowa 30 watt 12 volt solar panel in window.

2 years ago

Someone asked about food and solar if you live in a apartment. Here is a easy way to setup solar if you don't have a yard. The panel that I am using is my Newpowa 12 volt 30 watt solar panel. This thing is good for charging small things but not for running anything big. After I made this video I unhooked the power inverter and used our 12 volt car adapter for our laptop and it went straight to charging. As of today this panel will run you $39.50, and the 10 amp charger controller is a extra $8.19. My advice is if you are only planing on buying only 1 panel then get at least a 100 watt panel for about $80.00. The battery that I am using for this is my 12 volt black and decker cordless drill battery. Don't hook it up this way if there is any other option. Always try and have a much better battery. 100 watt panels can be placed in windows just like this 30 watt one was. If You Can. Avoid using any dc to ac power inverter with a small solar panel like this one because you will get some extra power loss through the inverter. According to the sticker on the back this panel is 17 volts and 1.76 amps and 30 watts, and at 17 volts and 1.76 amps that would indeed make this panel 30 watts, but if you are using a charger controller it will drop the volts down to 12 volts. Everyone have a nice day.

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