6 Sivan 5782 June 5 2022

2 years ago

6 SIVAN 5782
JUNE 5 2022

“Let Us Thank Our God Together For His Powerful Spirit Given To Us To Overcome, Witness Of His Marvelous Work Of Salvation, And Do His Commands Based In Loving Him, Loving Ourselves, And Loving Each Other. ““I Decree That I Am Being Prepared As Your Bride. Come Holy Spirit, Make Me Ready! Keep My Heart Awake And Open To My Beloved. I Will Answer To Your Knock, Hear Your Voice And Receive Revelation From Your Heart. Keep My Lamp Full Of Oil So I May Be Flowing In Your Grace And Power Full Of Faith At Your Coming! Amen!”

Parable of Ten Virgins
Matthew 25:2, Now five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3 Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, 4 but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.

Bryan and Katie Torwalt Holy Spirit


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