08.05.2022 (1211 to 1311) NEUK - Weather Modification over Darlo (2 of 6)

2 years ago

Location: DARLINGTON - Co. Durham.
Recording times: 1211, 1214, 1221, 1225, 1228, 1239, 1304, 1309 and 1311.

1) United Airlines (UAL) ... N76021 / ICAO AA4440 ... a Boeing 777-224(ER) flying at around 35,000 ft and using Callsign "UAL952" @ 1215.

2) United Airlines (UAL) ... N12005 / ICAO A05628 ... a Boeing 787-10 Dreamliner flying at around 36,000 ft and using Callsign "UAL961" @ 1221.

3) easyJet Europe Airline (EJU) ... OE-IJE / ICAO 440713 ... an Airbus A320-214 flying at around 37,000 ft and using Callsign "EJU64OR" @ 1228.

4) Air Canada (ACA) ... C-GHPT / ICAO C058BE ... a Boeing 787-8 Dreamliner flying at around 38,000 ft and using Callsign's "AC835" and "ACA835" @ 1239.

5) United States Air Force (USAF) ... 85-0007 / ICAO AE0564 ... a Lockheed C-5M Galaxy flying at around 34,000 ft and using Callsign "RCH806" @ 1304.
6) Air Canada (ACA) ... C-FIVS / ICAO C01755 ... a Boeing 777-333(ER) flying at around 35,000 ft and using Callsign "ACA891" @ 1304.
7) United States Air Force (USAF) ... 07-7173 / ICAO AE146B ... a Boeing C-17A Globemaster III flying at around 35,000 ft and using callsign "RCH428" @ 1304.

8) British Airways (BAW) ... G-EUPN / ICAO 4008AD ... an Airbus A319-131 flying at around 35,000 ft and using Callsign "SHT18C" @ 1309.
9) Loganair (LOG) ... G-SAJC / ICAO 400896 ... an Embraer ERJ-145 EP flying at around 32,000 ft and using Callsign "LOG3YT" @ 1309.

More Info on the Subject/s covered:-
UK Sky Watch, at " http://patchworkpencil.co.uk/uk-skywatch.co.uk/ ".
And, many others :)



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All the best and thanks for viewing :D

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