a combination of 1A audit and getting information about apprehending an online fraudster

2 years ago

My ex-wife and I will be attempting to ascertain information on what can be done to assist with capturing a fraudster who is still active on FaceBook (we've not reported it to FB, in order to string the fraudster along and keep them active). They have taken $5000 in gift cards and not provided the $200,000 they said they would. They are claiming that the IRS is holding it until "taxes" are paid on it. April is having financial struggles and thought this was valid but failed to talk to anyone that could caution her against doing it. She was told it was a "Grant" but the fraudster at times indicated she was a "Winner" and stated that taxes can't be taken out of "winnings."

Law's preventing transparancy ... I mean protecting gov secrets ... I mean "Law's related to why we can't record in the lobby:
41 CFR 102
40 USC 486

I do hold ALL comments for review. Eventually (if it becomes overwhelming) I'll reduce that to just potentially inappropriate comments and then to none (that might be a while :P )

For the QuikFlip hoodie we discussed (if we did) check here: http://rwrd.io/6ugcaq3?c

We're using the streaming services of Streamyard.com if you would like to use their services this link will give you a $10 credit to use it(if you spend $25 I will get a credit:) :

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