10 Min workout (part 2 - still sprinting)

2 years ago

We will be trying to do 50 seconds of intense exercise and 10 seconds of rest then repeat twice and take a 40 second rest THEN repeat all two more times - 9 minutes 50 seconds total (not counting last 40 second break as it's ended at that point). As you saw in our previous attempt, this didn't work.

Dad4 Service = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFuPAJD9Va6s563tL-jljKQ
WolfGamer2500 = https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLvmXZOwua9biDBRqf-pz1g

I do hold ALL comments for review. Eventually (if it becomes overwhelming) I'll reduce that to just potentially inappropriate comments and then to none (that might be a while :P )

For the QuikFlip hoodie we discussed (if we did) check here: http://rwrd.io/6ugcaq3?c

We're using the streaming services of Streamyard.com if you would like to use their services this link will give you a $10 credit to use it(if you spend $25 I will get a credit:) :

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