I like somebody in my Dance Class

2 years ago

I like somebody in my Dance Class

There is nothing particular in salsa that would make the situation any different in terms of how to ask someone out, the only thing that salsa is giving you is a chance to meet ppl and to start a conversation. So with that said my advice is to not be weird about it, just start a conversation, get their number/Facebook/Instagram and if they seem interested in getting to know you then ask them out. If you get a no then just continue with your life and don't push it or be a dick about it
it is easier if you do it on a social rather than after class but it is still possible

Build up a friendly relationship with them and eventually ask “hey let me know if you ever want to grab a coffee or [insert other activity idea] outside of class some time”. If they says no, let it go.
If they are not interested, drop it COMPLETELY. That way you can continue to dance at the same venue without feeling awkward. If they ever change their mind, they can come back and say let’s grab that coffee. But if that doesn't happen, forget trying to advance that relationship .

Please keep this in mind, There is NOTHING WRONG WITH being attracted to someone. No matter what anyone says, you are being a normal human being. Being attracted to someone does NOT make you a creep. It's called 'life' It might work out, it might not.
If it doesn't work out, you've got to prepare for the social friction that will result. You might not be able to dance with that person again if the humiliation of romantic failure is too acute.
Then again, what happens if it works out? And you get married, have babies, and start a family.

You need to ask yourself - what do you want most - a hot date, or to be a good dancer? They can't be the same priority. You have to choose what you want most. That choice will inform your romantic decisions.

If you want a date try to organize a post class happy hour. Also get to know as many dancers as possible to learn when and where house parties might happen. Volunteer at dance events! Pick up garbage, clean the floor, get to know EVERY-ONE.


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