Difficulty remembering Dance patterns. #socialdancing

2 years ago

Difficulty remembering Dance patterns. #socialdancing

How can I better remember the moves I learn as a lead in Salsa?

This person was having difficulty remembering the more complicated patterns from class.


I think we all encounter this at some point as a lead.
When you are in dance class learning a new pattern, instead of trying to learn the pattern in a specific order and detail. Your goal should be to understand the building blocks and how they can be connected. I would suggest thinking of it like a math problem. X+Y= Z but we can also say Z-Y=X. What I mean is, find the parts of the pattern you like / or you are able to execute and find ways to put those into what you already know. If the teacher is teaching a hammerlock pattern, think about the patterns you already know, and contemplate where you can throw a hammerlock into it.

And if you are dead set on learning a full/complete pattern from beginning to end, here is what you can do. Break the pattern down into blocks/segments. Maybe (2-3) 8 counts. The next time you go out dancing or have a practice partner, memorize that one segment and practice it the whole time. Yes, it’s going to be boring and repetitive but by focusing on that one you are going to anchor it in your memory
If you practice one new block per week that’s a lot of progress. If you can manage that consistently, you will know a lot of blocks in no time.

Next up, you should already know this answer – You need to practice more! You want to create some muscle memory where you always have a glimpse of an idea of what you can lead in a certain position.

On the subject of being scared to try something new and making mistakes. Do not be so hard on yourself, and stop holding yourself to such high standards. We all make mistakes, your ultimate goal as a leader is to just make sure you do not hurt your partner. Everybody makes mistakes on the dance floor. How you react to them is what matters--you just got to move on and keep dancing and having fun. It’s ok to only execute patterns that you are confident in, but it’s also ok to try and experiment, and see what works. The key is repetition and understanding of how blocks fit together.

Visualization is a great technique that works well for social dancing as well. Watch videos of classes to refresh your memory, and then when you are driving, walking, washing dishes, whatever mindless task - play salsa and imagine doing the sequences in time with the music, try imagining mixing it with other combos you know and adding musicality. Visualize what you are trying to accomplish and the body will remember.


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