Disciples' prayer Week 2: what is the key to this prayer?

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2 years ago

Disciples’ Prayer Week 2

As we unpack this text today, come and breathe on us and our minds, that we would see and hear this passage afresh. As we look at it in a translation that may be unfamilliar to many, the words have shifted, but the meaning is the same. Thank you, Holy Spirit, for being present with us as we study the logos (written word) and transforming it and us, so that we can receive it as rhema (inspired, NOW, Word). In Jesus’ name,

Matthew 6:9-10 (TPT)

‘Our Beloved Father, dwelling in the heavenly realms,
may the glory of your name
be the center on which our lives turn.
Manifest your kingdom realm,
and cause your every purpose to be fulfilled on earth,
just as it is in heaven.

Not just “Our Father” as it is in most other translations, but the belovedness is expressed here in the Passion Translation, because this translation includes Aramaic in the source texts, and a desire to see the Bible as God’s love letter to us. That is why I opened the prayer with “Abba”, as in Aramaic, Abba means “daddy”, which is inherently endearing and an outgrowth of the love that a young child feels for their father. Hallowed be your name becomes “may the glory of your name be the center on which our lives turn”. This is a wordier way of saying the same thing. It may not seem that way at furst blush, but when you command something to be made holy or hallowed, that is what you are really saying. Become central to my life, and surpass every other thing. “Your Kingdom come” becomes “Manifest Your Kingdom realm”, which sounds more like a command or demand than the other versions, doesn’t it? The reality in the original text is that it is an imperative, or command form of the verb, “to come”, and the way that it is typically translated is barely a suggestion. How does that change this passage? Are we asking that His Kingdom would be manifest here? Or are we commanding it be so? Make your will be done, as instantly on earth as it is in heaven, make it so that there is no more lag between percieved answers to prayer and the manifestation in the natural. Can you imagine what that would be like? Instant justice, instant provision, instant execution of God’s decrees, here on earth? That is heavy. Would it change how you pray? That is the gravity of prayer. It is direct connection with Heaven, and our Father desires to give us the desires of our hearts (He placed them there to begin with). Sin has created lag time between heavenly answers and earthly manifestation, but it is incumbent upon us to push through resistance and the lag I mentioned, until, as beloved children, we receive that which we request.

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