PCOS and Adrenal Fatigue - Dr. Brooke Kalanick & Ashley James - #111

2 years ago

PCOS and Adrenal Fatigue http://learntruehealth.com/pcos-and-adrenal-fatigue/

Today's episode tackles about PCOS and Adrenal Fatigue and how to cure it by natural medicine. http://learntruehealth.com/pcos-and-adrenal-fatigue/

PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is one of the common diseases to women. It is the number one endocrine disorder that affects 5 out of 10 women in the US.

Women with PCOS are having an imbalance with their hormones causing them irregular periods and pregnancy problems. The cause of PCOS is said to be mostly genetics, but if left untreated may cause more serious problems like diabetes and heart disease.

Adrenal Fatigue on the other hand as explained by Todd Nippoldt, MD of the Mayo Clinic, "...is a term applied to a collection of nonspecific symptoms, such as body aches, fatigue, nervousness, sleep disturbances and digestive problems." Adrenal fatigue as believed by its proponents is a mild form of Addison's disease, where the adrenal glands produce insufficient hormones than its normal count.

The common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are: anxiety, dizziness, insomnia, frequent urination, dry skin, low sex drive, weight gain, among others.

In this episode, Dr. Brooke Kalanick a licensed Naturopathic Doctor will help us understand these diseases and how they will be treated using natural medicine.

"Women deserve to understand how their body works and how many options they have so they can make the healthiest and most empowered choice for themselves..." - Dr. Brooke Kalanick

Brooke shares her five rules to a healthy woman's life:
5.) Take 5 walks a week
4.) Eat 4 meals a day (helps balance blood sugar and lower stress)
3.) Strength training 3 times a week within your ability
2.) Drink twice as much water
1.) Do one more activity a day to love/nurture yourself

Brooke specializes in weight loss, women’s health, and hypothyroidism. While attending Bastyr University in Seattle, Washington, Dr. Brooke earned her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and Masters in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She has studied and worked along with leading functional medicine physicians including Dr. Datis Kharrahzian, Dr. David Brady, and Dr. Tori Hudson.
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Ashley James
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