FAITH | 30 Minutes of Inspirational Christian Instrumental Piano Worship For Prayer

4 years ago

This 30 minute instrumental piano piece offers an opportunity to fix your attention on Jesus, to worship Him for His faithfulness, and to rest in His presence. Allow these melodies to shift the atmosphere in your space as you pray, and wait on Him, and soak in His goodness.

In times of uncertainty and hardship, it's comforting to know that God never changes. He is consistent, and He is true. He never leaves us, never abandons us. Nothing is ever hidden from His view, or falls outside His sovereign power. He is always for us, loving and kind. He is good. Today, let's set our sights on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. Let's trust Him - that He is present, that He is active, and that He is good. Let's place our faith and dependence on Him, and be blessed as we rest in His presence.

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🔸🔹🔸🔹 Asaph Instrumentals is a place for your soul to find peace and rest. It's worshipful, simple, gentle music to change the tone and atmosphere of your environment while you're in prayer, studying, or meditating on God's Word. Use this background music to worship, relax, find stress relief, and to be still. We trust that you will discover Jesus as you rest in and wait on Him, and believe that He will wrap you in his presence and peace. 🔸🔹🔸🔹

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Asaph Instrumentals: Peaceful. Simple. For His Glory.

JM is part of the Worship With Us Ministries Team. Find us at

#AsaphInstrumentals #JMGoodwin #WorshipWithUsMinistries

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