A Progressive and Libertarian Meet. With Marianne Williamson

3 years ago

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On this episode of Pensive Politics, Mr. Watson reaches across the aisle and chats with former presidential candidate and spiritual author Marianne Williamson about current events. Pensive Politics, as Mr. Watson is want to say, is an experiment in the "philosophy of politics." To philosophize about politics, it's important to have a variety of voices and viewpoints represented in the discussion. Following this principle, Mr. Watson and Marianne converse about corporate social responsibility, money in politics, social inequality, and a host of other issues that they approach with fundamentally different paradigms, but a desire to, at their root, see human beings flourish.

Follow Mr. Watson on social media. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram: @OfficialCWatson

#MarianneWilliamson #Politics #Philosophy #SpiritualPolitics #PoliticsofLove #Illuminata #Libertarianism #Progressivism #Corporations #CorporateSocialResponsibility

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