foundation core foundation 111-3-4-1 group class

2 years ago

foundation core foundation 111-3-4-1 group class
1. Warm up
2. The core basic exercise comes to the basic shoulder flat movement, which mainly strengthens the lower back muscles. Those with low back injuries can use this set of exercises to relieve back pain; it can further strengthen the strength and toughness of the lower back muscles, which has a great impact on the lumbar spine. Assistance and ancillary benefits.

3. Floor stretching exercises, although the movements are the same, but the difference is that the first half of the exercise is performed with straight knees, which not only increases the difficulty of stretching, but also naturally increases the level of muscle stretching. Everyone will know it by trying it.
#Our floor fuck features
1. During muscle stretching/stretching, use deep breathing, inhale for 1 second, and exhale for 1 second, so that the body and mind can fully relax and stretch the muscles, so that the muscles after intense exercise can be gradually stretched, and the muscles will not be tense and uncomfortable. Stiffness, to achieve post-exercise muscle relaxation and enter post-workout repair and growth.
2. Another feature is that this week, when each exercise stretches for 0~6" seconds, the muscles continue to stretch when exhaling at 2"-4"-6", and the stretching action stops at 6" to maintain the movement until 20" action ends. Such muscle stretching patterns help to improve muscle flexibility.

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