John Brennan's Authoritarian Leftism Is Dangerous.

3 years ago

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In this video, Mr. Watson analyzes John Brennan's dangerous mentality towards rightward individuals who hold what some consider "anti-government" beliefs. Brennan recently said in an interview that there's an "unholy alliance" of individuals on the right, including Libertarians, who threaten the safety of America with insurrection. Brennan says the Biden intelligent apparatus is geared towards addressing the issue and looking at those particular groups. Mr. Watson analyzes Brennan's argument and explains why his kind of authoritarianism is fundamentally anathema to America. He also defends libertarians from Brennan's amorphous, definitional attacks which don't correspond to reality. He ultimately asks: Are our civil liberties going to be under assault by the Biden administration?

#JohnBrennan #UnholyAlliance #Libertarianism #Politics #Conservatism #CIA

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