2 years ago

joe biden stole the Presidency of America in 2020 and tasked by the democrat communist party with stamping out rising unrest caused by restrictive democrat policies - biden inflamed tensions between State Government and Federal Government and practiced harsh enforcement of democrat law (similar to Sharia Law) - biden drafted the Coercive Executive Orders, a series of mandates intended to punish citizens for deeds of defiance against the democrats, such as the MAGA Party

By June 2022, biden was facing the threat of outright rebellion - biden hoped to prevent violence by ordering the seizure of weapons held by millions of citizens - but biden underestimated the courage and determination of the Americans - Patriot spies got wind of biden’s plan. On the evening of July 4th, Paul Revere and other riders raised the alarm that ANTIFA rioters were on their way to steal the 2022 election. Minute Men and militias rushed to confront them early in November - though it is uncertain who actually fired the first shot that day, it reverberated throughout history

Eight years of Civil War followed, and those who stood their ground against biden’s rioters eventually earned independence from the democrat communist party and made America great again

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