Here comes the tax man

3 years ago

I have heard rumor that some of the people surrounding Joe Biden want to put into place a tax on the number of miles you drive your car. This initially reminded me of the displacement tax they have in China, and how annoying I found that. Then I realized how much worse a mileage tax would be, and how the average American pays far more in taxes than the average Chinese mainlander.

Most Chinese people do not pay taxes of any kind. There is no sales tax at the store (the price at the register is the same as the tag). Most workers do not pay any sort of income tax. Its pretty simple.

I have lived in places in the US where I had to pay federal, state, and city income taxes. They also not only had sales tax, it was different depending on the items being purchased. While I do understand the importance of taxes, I cannot help but feel the tax situation in the United States is out of control.

Now for all of you detractors out there, it is true that as a business owner there are a lot of taxes that need to be paid. It is also a terrible hassle to go to the tax department (not sure of the correct English word) and wait in line, be told you need some other stamp, wait in line again, and repeat the process all day. We are fortunate that after the first experience we were able to have an accountant go stand in line for us.

Now that that is out of the way, I also want to mention taxes taken out by disreputable schools (should you choose to work in China as a teacher). If you are there working illegally, and the school tells you they are withholding some amount of money from your salary for taxes, they are lying. Those taxes are simply a way to pay you less money. Don't work illegally by the way, its a good way to get ripped off.

New channel should have a video up in the next couple of days. If you haven't already, be sure to go check it out. Its called Chicomm, here is a link

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