Debilitated Planets, get the most out of them part I

3 years ago

Debilitated planets can often cause worry for the native. They can be seen like a disadvantage or weakness. The issues with them do normally iron out as we mature and take responsibility for our own actions but it is important to realise that someone who acknowledges this and works on that area of their life can manifest more than they think. Many famous people have weak planets. This can lead to a self made person who has no or little expectation of others where as a person with a very strong chart with exalted planets and good planetary yogas (I will do videos for these) can be a little lazy and give up quickly. They can see the problem in others and not in themselves, in a relationship they can sometimes only see their partners’ faults and not look within. Believing that the partner has to work on themselves and take no responsibility at all.

I will do other videos explaining each planet and the way they are when debilitated. I use Sidereal zodiac. Download Cosmic Insight app and see what your chart holds.

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