American Fork PD refuses service to parents locked out of Alpine School District Board Meeting (The first 30 seconds has no audio.)

2 years ago

On April 27, 2021 the Alpine School District, in American Fork, UT, illegally locked the doors to its school board meeting. One of the parents called the American Fork Police Department to ask for assistance. Sgt. Lunt, who was in an unmarked police car just across the street answered the call and refused to come three times and talk with the parents. He was already in communication with a school district representative, Mike Browning, before the parents even showed up to the district offices conspiring to keep the parents out because the school board did not want to listen to what the parents had to say about the forced face masking of their children, even though the state Health Department's face mask mandate had ended.

This video is the bodycam video of Sgt. Lunt's partner. What are your thoughts on Sgt. Lunt's behavior as a "Peace Keeping Ofiicer"? Do he perform his duty with fidelity?

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