Philosopher Explains The Mentality Of Gun Preppers

2 years ago

A listener called in who said he is a philosopher and he recently took a deep dive into the gun prepper culture. What he discovered will probably not surprise you.

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I wanted to call today to talk about guns. That's the thing that people are talking about. And I'm a philosopher by trade so I'm sort of predisposed to, you know, engage in the sort of optimism of the free market of ideas so to speak. okay and yeah on the face of it I agree with all the arguments for gun control. but that predisposition if you wanted to figure out what's the other side sort of thing. and so the past week I've done this rabbit hole of yeah basically reading arguments from gun preppers against you know various arguments for gun control. yeah and one that I you know and like I'll press it by saying it's a lot of stuff that's nuts. and like my sympathetic read of it is that you know at least some like there are people who are crazy like obviously like nuts. but then some are advocating for you know protection of guns, gun rights, or whatever. that I think there's coming from like a fear that we live in like a dangerous society. and you know the violent society and so that's you know racist and so forth. But charitably I'd be like yeah we do live in a violent society you know that's dominated at least by one political party that essentially sees the world as one composed of atomized individuals who are in antagonistic relationships with one another. rather than you know seeing us as you know being caring and understanding individuals. you know the republican party just uses this as all psychopaths who are like gonna are threats to one another. and the government is either incapable of or not responsible for caring for people. but anyway that's like my sympathy and agree that people have this fear. it's based on this you know sort of legitimate thing. that you know we live in a violent society. but you know kind of like Emma said they have this ridiculous fantasy that they can respond to it you know just by you know arming themselves.

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