Red Pill Politics (6-4-22) with Jared Yanis of Guns & Gadgets

2 years ago

Today I did a special impromptu interview with Jared Yanis of Guns & Gadgets to get his take on the deluge of gun control legislation headed our way. This new well orchestrated wave of gun control policies is NOT about protecting children, but rather simply about CONTROL. AGAIN government has politicized their agenda on the graves of children that were killed by a monster of their own creation! And of course their presstitute partners are all chorusing to the tune of disarmament as well.

No matter how much emotion, fear, and shaming these globalist lapdogs hurl your way, it is now that time whereby we ALL must get right back in their grill with a unwavering commitment to 100% noncompliance with their tyranny! Our God-given rights WILL be asserted with absolute impunity.

Moreover, we must insist that we begin evaluating ALL of the primary contributing factors associated to these school shootings and not allow government (nor their "agents") to hyper-fixate and script the debate around gun control INFRINGEMENTS.

F**K them and the horse they rode in on! STAND NOW!

This is the video Jared referenced and posted right after our interview regarding Senator Lindsey Graham. Subscribe if you haven't already!

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For your reference...The word "necessary" is only used once in the Constitution!

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

In Liberty,

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