Tyr@nt Davila Thr€atens Arrest. Int!m!dat!on FAIL. Tells Me To Leave Public St. Fort Myers Police.

3 years ago

This was On Wednesday January 27th 2021 out approximately 17:09, at the public works, along with what seems to be a substation for the narcotics in gang unit for Fort Myers police. I was riding by to go to another place to film in noticed a bunch of black out suvs and cars that look to be undercover police cars. So I decided to start filming and almost instantaneously these narcotics and other undercover officers were on high alert. It did take a little bit for them to actually start a confrontation but it did happen.

The police officer with the biggest ego tried to antagonise and intimidate me from the beginning. He blew his foghorn at me to try and startle me telling me to get out of the street when I was not in the street. He did this a couple times while pulling in-and-out of each exit and entrance. He even swung his vehicle towards me. While he was backing up for no reason all while telling me to get away from him and out of the street, which I was never standing in the street. This snowflake and pussified Corporal couldn't stand being filmed so he then threatened to arrest me for harassment and stalking after he had only seen me there for maybe 10 minutes total.

After our interaction I went to the Fort Myers police department. I went to go get this officers name and badge number from his superiors, they had me wait for over 20 minutes outside of the station, while they didn't bother to use the information I gave them to ID the officer. When the 1st supervisor came out to talk to me he was very unprofessional and rude. Handing me a complaint form and turning around ignoring all of my questions and concerns. Right after that Supervisor when inside another came walking up. This officer, I believe was very professional and did as he was supposed to do.

I hope you all enjoy this interaction and even the conversation I had with the other 2 supervisors About the disconnect between the public and the police. All because of the attitudes and unprofessionalism that the 1st 2 officers showed. I will Leave all links to their social media and regular Web page if you would like to express your grievances and/or compliments. I truly appreciate and respect all of you for all of the support!!! Donations are humbly accepted!!! Much love, respect and appreciation!!!


Non-Emergency Assistance239-321-7700

Chief of Police239-321-7723

Public Information Office239-321-7712


Professional Standards239-321-7713



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