It is all an illusion and we have been made to believe that is real

2 years ago

What seems real is Just a fuckin illusion really well made and we have been programmed to believe that is real like the wachoski sisters greatly explained in the movie “The Matrix” …… by the way …. it was a documentary.

You can now believe whatever you want and probably will be real cause look like whatever we believe it is except that we might have to live again the same lessons if we haven’t learn what we were supposed to learn according to people that have been to the other side and back with this new knowledge, I read so much about it and met quite few people that told me their sotories or the one of friends or relatives, myself had so many synchronicities pointing out what I’m talking about that I shouldn’t deny it but still I have my doubts even if instinctively I feel to be true.

What we touch is empty space just we have been made to believe that it is solid so for the rest of our lives so what we are going to do about it ? I don’t have an answer for you but for me I will try to become a better person trying my best to help others if I can.

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