Never Give Up, Canada! - "Press On" by Park Benjamin (Lockdown Edition)

3 years ago

Never give up! Press on! Lockdown. Closures. Reduced clients & services. Escalating national debt. Industry shutdowns. Disrupted productivity. Loss revenue. Layoffs. Times are difficult in Canada. This is a tribute to all those affected. The store owners, franchise owners, retail, restaurants, employers, employees, offices, small to medium sized business, the families... Never, ever give up!

Imagery of stores and parking lots from Ontario set to music and a poem.

The poem, "Press On," is by Park Benjamin, read by Melvin Lee (Librivox, public domain poems)


Press on! surmount the rocky steeps,
Climb boldly o'er the torrent's arch;
He fails alone who feebly creeps,
He wins who dares the hero's march.
Be thou a hero! let thy might
Tramp on eternal snows its way,
And through the ebon walls of Night
Hew down a passage unto Day.

Press on! if Fortune play thee false
To-day, to-morrow she'll be true;
Whom now she sinks she now exalts,
Taking old gifts and granting new.
The wisdom of the present hour
Makes up for follies past and gone —
To weakness strength succeeds, and power
From frailty springs — press on! press on!

#lockdown #closures #stores #retail #smallbusiness #restaurants #employers

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