Bill Gates’ Strange Meeting With Fauci And His Sadistic Grip On Public Health [VIDEO]

2 years ago

Bill Gates’ Strange Meeting With Fauci And His Sadistic Grip On Public Health [VIDEO]

Red Voice Media Published June 1, 2022

News and Commentary
"There's nothing that goes through WHO that is not vetted first by the Gates Foundation."

By Zach Heilman
June 1, 2022

Alongside companies like Pfizer, who made billions in profits off of the COVID-19 pandemic, people like billionaire Bill Gates also saw their fortunes increase. At the same time fortunes expanded, average citizens were crushed with lockdowns, mandates, and protocols. Not to mention the current rise of gas prices and inflation. Still, as Gates promoted the COVID-19 jab all over the world, in America, Dr. Anthony Fauci positioned himself to become a household name as he advised both the Trump and Biden administration on the COVID-19 virus. While it might appear Gates and Fauci happened to be in the right place at the right time, Robert Kennedy Jr. recently appeared on Tucker Carlson Today and gave a little history lesson on the friendship between the two.

In the video, which is featured below, RFK Jr. went all the way back to the year 2000 when he presented a meeting between Gates and Dr. Fauci that revolved around vaccinating the world. “In 2000, Tony Fauci flew out to Seattle, Washington and he had this meeting, this very strange meeting at Bill Gates’ $85 million mansion on the banks of Lake Washington. And Gates brought him into his library and he said, ‘I want to propose a partnership with you.’

And the partnership was to try to vaccinate all of humanity. Gates went to the UN and gave this speech in which he promised to vaccinate essentially all of humanity with multiple battery vaccines by 2020. And he began asserting, using his philanthropy, to create a series of other quasi governmental agencies CEPI, GAVI, and a number of others. And then to gain control of the WHO. It’s not about philanthropy, it’s about enriching the capitalists.”

On top of their meetings, RFK Jr. explained how Gates was able to push any agenda he wanted thanks to his investment power. “He owns stakes, very, very large stakes, [in] almost all the big pharmaceutical companies. Then he gives essentially about a billion dollars to WHO every year, but through Rotary International, through GAVI, through CEPI, and through the Gates Foundation, but the cumulative [funding] is even larger than U.S., which is the second biggest [contributor to WHO]. That gives him control over WHO’s policies, so the analysis of WHO [is that] there’s nothing that goes through WHO that is not vetted first by the Gates Foundation.”

Speaking with reporters in Spain, Gates recently noted that the next pandemic could either be a result of a man-made virus or the effects of climate change. “The human population is growing and we are invading more and more ecosystems. That is why I calculate that there is a 50 percent chance that we will have a pandemic of natural origin in the next 20 years, as a result of climate change.” Trying not to focus on a man-made pandemic, he admitted, “That’s a very scary scenario because they could try to spread it in different places at once.”

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