Over gay rainbow trout month!!

2 years ago

Gays, lesbians, trans are not people at all but animals and very sick!! They push their junk all the time and if you do not marry gays they cry, schools now have drag queens coming in to perform in front of middle schoolers!! Middle schoolers are changing and wierd and last thing parents need is a las Vegas drag queens show in school!! Kindergarten is not about fun now but hearing being a boy or girl is wrong by gay rainbow clowns with face diapers on!! Same with June 19 it is not a holiday and over it, blacks cry we are so oppressed but they are looting all the time, killing each other in a mall!! Getting pulled over for meth and crying racist!! The Democrats did a great job and America is so woke that north Korea is laughing at us!! So over gay rainbow trout month it means nothing to me!! Enjoy your Sodom and Gomorrah month that is all it is!!! And stay away from kids!! Kids need to play and learn not have bunch of gay rainbow clowns teaching them in school!! America is Sodom and Gomorrah plus Babylon!!!!!!

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