Big Change Is On The Horizon The Moment To BE Action!

3 years ago

Big Change Is On The Horizon The Moment To BE Action!
produced in The Quantum Playground on The I UV, recorded on February 2, 2021

Big Change is on the horizon! We are in such an amazing, surreal… fast moving moment on our planet and in all of existence. The breadth and depth, scope and astonishingly beautiful complex intricacy is a thing to feel and behold. We, You, ME, The All Knows it and can "see" it with our heart sight... even if we are not aware of it because we have not let our hearts open to see it in a tangible touchable way.

That does not stop the big all encompassing change from un/in-folding. It is The moment to BE Action!

I Love You.

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You are the expert for you.
Only YOU can make the choice to move from fear to knowing.

The time has come to connect with you and tell you The whole Story so that you release fear, embrace Love to walk through the gates that have opened into a New Virbational Earth. Nothing will stop this unfolding.

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Would you like to come play in conversation…have a question or something you would like to share with me. Send an email to me, at

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