HIST701 WK4 Historical Scholarship

2 years ago


The focus of this video centers around state militias and Indian tribes, peering into the reasons hostilities existed. Focused on three separate sources the research utilizes both the Oxford Scholarship Online database and Project MUSE database, in addition to the JSTOR database. The research attempts to understand the political interest that helped to ignite the war, settler and Indian relations, and lastly, the war leader Tecumseh who led Indians to ally with the British against the Americans. It is concluded hostilities between neighbors are the primary reason for the march to war. It is additionally postulated that the war would have likely erupted absent British impressment.


“Famous Historical Indians: Tecumseh (Shawnee).” Central States Archaeological Journal 18, no. 1 (1971): 11–14. http://www.jstor.org/stable/43141160.

Ferguson, Gillum. "Rumors of War." In Illinois in the War of 1812. University of Illinois Press, 2012. Illinois Scholarship Online, 2017. doi: 10.5406/illinois/9780252036743.003.0003.

Stanley, George F. G. "The Indians in the War of 1812." The Canadian Historical Review 31, no. 2 (1950): 145-165. muse.jhu.edu/article/623837.

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