The Olivet Discourse - Part 1 - Matthew 24:1-44

2 years ago

Time Stamps:

0:00 Intro
3:14 Prophecy of Destruction of Temple
18:52 The disciple’s questions
22:25 The Beginning of the birth pains / Daniel’s 70th Week
24:55 First Sign / Characterisation – False Christs
32:24 Second Sign / Characterisation – Wars and rumours
34:43 Third Sign / Characterisation – Famine, Earthquakes, Pestilence
37:44 Parallel with the seals of Revelation
38:37 Birth Pains metaphor
43:41 Summary of the Great Tribulation
44:23 Forth Sign / Characterisation – Abomination and Death
45:18 Fifth Sign / Characterisation – Martyrdom and Apostasy
51:17 Endure / Stand Firm to the end
53:15 Gospel going to all nations
57:30 Two Keys Signs Expounded
58:59 Forth Sign / Seal 4 – Abomination of Desolation
1:06:28 Fifth Sign / Seal 5 – False Christs and False Prophets
1:09:43 Unmistakeable coming
1:10:36 Further Parallels with the seals of Revelation
1:11:16 The Second Coming
1:12:03 Sixth Sign / Seal 6 – Celestial signs
1:15:00 The Sign of the Son of Man
1:17:48 Gathering of the Elect
1:19:06 Lessons of the Fig Tree
1:21:52 Preparation for the Day of the Lord
1:23:03 Days of Noah
1:24:18 A pair of field and mill workers
1:25:13 The master of the house
1:27:09 No one knows the day or hour
1:29:24 Closing and Prayer
1:32:14 Bonus Thought

"Recently I was invited to speak at a missions conference down in Hertfordshire in which I delivered two one hour sessions through Matthew 24 and 25, what we refer to as the Olivet Discourse. So I thought I would use that content with a little padding, preserving the emphasis on mission, and of course I will include the bulk of the scriptures and timelines on the screen for your benefit.

This is by no means a comprehensive exposition, we will be moving a speed, skimming a stone over, and no doubt I will take time to concentrate on various aspects in more detail at some point in the future.

The beauty of the Olivet Discourse is that it exposes both the digestion system of the congregant and the methods of the preacher. And if you want to know what I mean, I will add a bonus thought at the end.

Everyone is trying to predict the future, from climate to crypto. They go to YouTube gurus, palm readers, and the medium at Endor. All the wrong places… Jesus gives us two chapters in his 5th and final major discourse. What a man has to say in the days leading up to his known death, matters greatly. How much more when it’s the Son of God. Are we listening?

Throughout the discourse there is variation between second-person and third-person, as though Jesus’ exhortation, descriptions, warnings, and instructions are to a wider audience than the immediate disciples.

These chapters are littered with doctrinal pointers. Doctrine matters, but it is the posture of your heart that is of my upmost concern during these two sessions. The hearts preparation for the return of the king. Because your heart’s posture determines how you go about God-given mission.

As we hear from the scriptures I want you to have in mind the mission given to us from God – general mission and personal mission and ask if we are prepared and preparing for his return.

So with that Said, let’s open our bibles to Mathew chapter 24."

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