Biden's Unbelievable Act of Desperation

2 years ago

In developing news, President Biden is planning a trip to Saudi Arabia in the middle of an energy crisis right here at home.

The President says he's trying to do something to alleviate the pain most Americans are feeling at the gas pumps – something I can tell you all of us would appreciate. But rather than turn to domestic resources such as increasing our own oil output which could, in turn, lead to U.S. energy independence as we've had prior to the Biden Administration. Instead
he's going to beg the Saudis to increase their output and help us get out of this crisis.

Instead of addressing this problem head-on, and utilizing domestic solutions – which we do have – he's asking a foreign government to do his job for him, making us even more dependent on them than we already are. It's mind-boggling. Especially if you take into consideration that President Biden himself accused the Saudi Crown Prince of ordering the assassination of journalist Jamal Khashoggi, and called Saudi Arabia a "pariah state."

During the 2020 Presidential campaign, President Biden had strong words about the Saudis and the gruesome murder of Khashoggi:

"Khashoggi was in fact murdered and dismembered, and I believe in the order of the Crown Prince. We are going to in fact make them pay the price, and make them in fact the pariah that they are. There's very little social redeeming value in the present government in Saudi Arabia. They have to be held accountable."

Tough talk. The President was calling for an internal regime change. And he's not entirely wrong. Saudi Arabia is on the Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) list for its human rights abuses. No one is blind to this. But they are also a military ally to the U.S. and to Israel. Saudi Arabia and Iran are sworn enemies, and sometimes the old saying "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" rings truer than we would like to admit.

Now President Biden is planning to fly to Saudi Arabia, hat in hand, to ask that same Saudi government he was going to make "pay the price" to get us out of this crisis. He's not even calling them, which he could easily do. Our President is cowering, planning a trip to Saudi Arabia to proverbially "kiss the ring." It's embarrassing.

The United States is in a serious crisis right now. The country doesn't have baby formula. We can't feed our babies. What are parents supposed to do in this situation? You don't gamble with an infant's health. And this formula shortage is also President Biden's own doing. Right or wrong, it was his Administration that ordered Abbott Labs to shut down the plant that produces a quarter of our country's baby formula. Then the President claimed he didn't realize it would cause a problem. It begs the question, who is advising our President? He is always surprised when his bad ideas backfire.

Now we could soon be begging Europe for baby formula, and begging the Saudis to help us lower our gas prices.

President Biden can blame Russia for this crisis all day, but he declared war on our oil companies during his campaign, and he shut down the Keystone pipeline shortly after being elected, not Putin. And it is President Biden who has continually held up domestic oil production while in office – not the war in Ukraine. Not supply chain issues. Not free speech. It's been the Biden Administration all along.

Today's full Sekulow broadcast is complete with further in-depth analysis of Biden's potential trip to Saudi Arabia and what it could mean for Americans and the world. We are also joined by ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Security and Foreign Policy Ric Grenell who offered his unique analysis as the former Acting Director of National Intelligence on how this move could impact our national security.

We were also joined by ACLJ Senior Advisor for National Public Policy Ric Grenell.

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